Dr. Ernesto García Ureta (hereinafter “DR. GARCÍA URETA”) developed his professional career as a physician, distinguished anatomopathologist and scientific researcher and this web space is created with the purpose of make available to all colleagues and students the didactic material he has compiled throughout his professional career in the area of Pathological Anatomy. Thus, within this website you will be provided with interesting pedagogical resources, particular cases that passed through his microscope, as well as many scientific and informational sources of high educational value.
Although the pathologist is a figure who often goes unnoticed in medical environment, the pathologists work is of the essence regarding the appropriate diagnosis of diseases. In order to bring some visibility to all of those matters that may interest to pathologists and associated professionals, here are compiled different types of instructive literature and case files among the website’s sections -devoted to cases, videos and presentations-.
DR. GARCÍA URETA has held several offices on the Board of the SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE CITOLOGÍA (as President, as Vice-President and as mere Director in many occasions). DR. GARCÍA URETA also held offices in other various professional associations: is a Founding Member and the first President of the ASOCIACIÓN DE CITOLOGÍA DE GALICIA; Honorary Member of the PERUVIAN ASSOCIACIATION OF PATHOLOGISTS; Member of the Editorial Board of the REVISTA PATOLOGÍA; Member of the Scientific Committee at the XVII Reuniao Nacional da SOCIEDADE PORTUGUESA DE CITOLOGÍA -Cascais, Portugal 2010-; Member of the Scientific Committee, International Advisor at the II Congress of the Cuban Division of the INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF PATHOLOGY -Havana, Cuba 2011-; Member of the Scientific Committee in several national and international conferences; President of several Scientific Meetings of the ASOCIACIÓN DE CITOLOGÍA DE GALICIA; Chairman of the Organising Committee of the XVII Annual Scientific Meeting of the SEC -La Coruña, Spain 1999-; Chairman of the Organising Committee of the XVI INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF CYTOLOGY -La Coruña, Spain 2003-; Chairman of the SEC Organising Committee at the XXV Congress of the SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ANATOMÍA PATOLÓGICA and SPANISH BRANCH OF THE INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF PATHOLOGY XX Congress of the SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE CITOLOGÍA -Zaragoza 2011-.

DR. GARCÍA URETA has dedicated his whole professional career to cytological diagnosis, unravelling his work at the COMPLEJO HOSPITALARIO UNIVERSITARIO de A Coruña (CHUAC), as well as a member of the medical directory of the following health centres located in A Coruña: BELÉN- MODELO, SAN RAFAEL and QUIRÓN SALUD. Reference centre for sample drawing of the following Diagnosis Centres: AMPLIGEN DIAGNOSTICOS, S.L.U., IGENOMIX LAB S.L.U., NEODIAGNÓTICA and Centro de Bbiología Molecular Polusa de Lugo.

Since 1980 he has been the sole Director of his own CYTOLOGY LABORATORY, a cytological diagnosis centre properly recognised and accredited by the relevant authorities -that is, by Consellería de Sanidade de la Xunta de Galicia- and duly registered with number C-15-002231 and clinical services offer U.77 -Anatomical Pathology-. His acquired expertise through years of dedication, he gathered the most adequate knowledge and techniques, offering and applying the latest advances to patients in order to solve diverse diagnostic challenges.

The CYTOLOGY LABORATORY also has been a training facility for students from educational centres listed hereafter: ÁNGEL CASAL School -A Coruña-; CENTRO EDUCATIVO ALOYA -Vigo, Pontevedra-; UNIVERSIDAD PESSOA -A Coruña-; and INTEGRA -Consultoría de A Coruña- regarding the Erasmus Programme; furthermore, DR. GARCÍA URETA was an educational scheduler at the ESCOLA GALLEGA DE ADMINISTRACIÓN SANITARIA. He has compounded his professional career with instructional activities taking part in diverse courses, conferences and as lecturer at congresses of local and international scope. You will find more about such activities referred in section “Scientific activities”. Likewise, some of his slideshows are available at https://es.slideshare.net/garciaureta/presentations.

Author of the book “Aparato respiratorio-I Ediciones” Ed. Díaz de Santos, S.A. It is part of Cuadernos de Citopatología collection. ISBN 9788479786557 ISBN-10 8479786558
Author of the chapter “Citología del mesotelioma”- SLAC Sociedad Latinoamericana de Citopatología; Fascículo 2 Temas de actualización en Citopatología –Derrames Serosos 2012- .
Co-author of “Libro blanco de la anatomía patológica en España” –2011-.
Always up to date, DR. GARCÍA URETA knew how seize the latest technologies in order to bring and make available his acquired expertise by means of different media, such as his YouTube channel -since 2011-which hosts a large number of exclusive presentations of high scientific worth, gaining followers every year.